On November 17, we held a special workshop on PRPF®︎ therapy at our clinic!
The director attended the lecture at JSAPS, the Japanese Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery last month, and received an enthusiastic offer to hold the workshop at his own clinic as well! We were very excited to have this workshop at such short notice.

This time from Tokyo
#Safo Clinic, Dr. Seia Shirakabe
#Shizen Clinic, Dr. Akiyo Suzuki
#Clinic Utsugi-ryu, Dr. Ryuichi Utsugi
Three doctors participated.
We were very impressed by their sincere enthusiasm to learn new therapies.
We held a study session about our director's original PRPF therapy, and the second half of the session was actually performed on two monitors, and the third was also performed under the eyes of Dr. Suzuki himself, who participated in the session!